Fin7, also known as Carbanak, is a prolific cybercrime group that is known for targeting financial institutions and stealing payment card data. Here are some of the persistent techniques that Fin7 has been known to use to maintain their presence on compromised systems:
1. Backdoors: Fin7 uses a variety of custom-built backdoors, including BOOSTWRITE and Lizar, to maintain access to compromised systems. These backdoors are designed to evade detection and allow for the group to remotely access the compromised machine.
2. Fileless malware: Fin7 has also been known to use fileless malware to avoid detection. Fileless malware operates entirely in memory and leaves no trace on disk, making it difficult for traditional antivirus solutions to detect.
3. Remote Access Trojans (RATs): RATs, such as JSocket and Gh0stRAT, have been used by Fin7 to establish a persistent presence on a compromised system. These RATs allow Fin7 to remotely access and control the compromised machine.
4. PowerShell scripts: Fin7 has been known to use PowerShell scripts to execute malicious code on a compromised system. PowerShell is a legitimate scripting language built into Windows, which makes it difficult for traditional antivirus solutions to detect.
5. Stolen credentials: Fin7 has also been known to use stolen credentials to maintain access to compromised systems. By stealing legitimate credentials, the group can evade detection and move around the compromised network undetected.
6. Certificate spoofing: Fin7 has been known to use certificate spoofing to evade detection. By spoofing legitimate certificates, the group can make their malicious code appear to be legitimate, making it harder for traditional antivirus solutions to detect.
It is important to note that Fin7 is constantly evolving their tactics and techniques, and the list above is not exhaustive. Organizations should implement a comprehensive security strategy that includes regularly updating software and patches, using multi-factor authentication, and conducting regular security audits to detect and mitigate any potential threat vectors.