Литература по методам и техникам обхода EDR (на английском)
Chapter 1: EDR-chitecture
Chapter 2: Function-Hooking DLLs
Chapter 3: Process- and Thread-Creation Notifications
Chapter 4: Object Notifications
Chapter 5: Image-Load and Registry Notifications
Chapter 6: Filesystem Minifilter Drivers
Chapter 7: Network Filter Drivers
Chapter 8: Event Tracing for Windows
Chapter 9: Scanners
Chapter 10: Antimalware Scan Interface
Chapter 11: Early Launch Antimalware Drivers
Chapter 12: Microsoft-Windows-Threat-Intelligence
Chapter 13: Case Study: A Detection-Aware Attack
Appendix: Auxiliary Sources Discusses niche sensors that we don’t
see deployed very frequently but that can still bring immense value to
an EDR.
пароль на архив
Chapter 1: EDR-chitecture
Chapter 2: Function-Hooking DLLs
Chapter 3: Process- and Thread-Creation Notifications
Chapter 4: Object Notifications
Chapter 5: Image-Load and Registry Notifications
Chapter 6: Filesystem Minifilter Drivers
Chapter 7: Network Filter Drivers
Chapter 8: Event Tracing for Windows
Chapter 9: Scanners
Chapter 10: Antimalware Scan Interface
Chapter 11: Early Launch Antimalware Drivers
Chapter 12: Microsoft-Windows-Threat-Intelligence
Chapter 13: Case Study: A Detection-Aware Attack
Appendix: Auxiliary Sources Discusses niche sensors that we don’t
see deployed very frequently but that can still bring immense value to
an EDR.
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