how can i boot another efi file in windows? in c++
To boot another EFI file in Windows using C++, you can use the following steps:
1. Create a handle for the current image using the `EFI_HANDLE imageHandle` variable. This handle will be used later to exit boot services.
2. Locate the `EFI_BOOT_SERVICES` table using the `EFI_BOOT_SERVICES* bs` variable.
3. Allocate space for the `EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL` using the `EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL* imageInfo` variable.
4. Get the device handle and file handle for the image you want to boot using the `EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL` and its `EFI_FILE_HANDLE` variable.
5. Load the image from the file system using the `EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.LoadImage` function, passing in the device handle, file handle, imageInfo, and an EFI_HANDLE variable for the new image. This will return `EFI_SUCCESS` if the image was successfully loaded.
6. Start the new image using the `EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.StartImage` function, passing in the new image handle.
7. To exit boot services and return any allocated memory, call `EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices` and pass in the image handle.
Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to perform these steps:
EFI_STATUS BootAnotherEFIFile() {
EFI_HANDLE imageHandle = NULL;
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES* bs = nullptr;
EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL* imageInfo = nullptr;
EFI_FILE_HANDLE fileHandle = nullptr;
// Locate the EFI_BOOT_SERVICES table
EFI_STATUS status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiBootServicesProtocolGuid, nullptr, (VOID**)&bs);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
// Allocate space for the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL
status = bs->HandleProtocol(imageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&imageInfo);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
// Get the device handle and file handle for the image
status = bs->HandleProtocol(imageInfo->DeviceHandle, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&fs);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
status = fs->OpenVolume(fs, &fileHandle);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
// Load the image from the file system
EFI_HANDLE newImageHandle = nullptr;
status = bs->LoadImage(FALSE, imageHandle, fileHandle, nullptr, 0, &newImageHandle);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
// Start the new image
status = bs->StartImage(newImageHandle, nullptr, nullptr);
if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
return status;
// Exit boot services and return any allocated memory
bs->ExitBootServices(imageHandle, status);
Note that this code is for demonstration purposes only and may need to be modified to work with your specific use case.